Thursday, October 14, 2010

High Earning Google Adsense Ads Format for The Publishers to Increase Potential Revenue

Google AdSense for content ad units for publisher site layouts has been made ads formats more space-efficient and visually pleasing by changing the layout of the text in 728 x90 and 300 x 250. 

Click-through-rates (CTR) is a very significant factor that determines how much money you eventually make and it is a factor that is acutely sensitive to the ad format you choose.In case of my sites and blogs these two formats work well. when deciding on which format to use, is to try and choose a design that blends well into the layout of your website. You cannot let the AdSense ad format you choose compromise the overall 'look' of your website. There are a number of ad formats that can fit comfortably into most websites. Unfortunately these formats don't tend to be very successful. Small 'button' formats are often used in sidebars or in other unobtrusive locations' locations that are rarely glanced at by a visitor.

The most successful location is the area just above the main content. This location in conjunction with the large rectangle (300 x 250) has consistently achieved the highest CTRs in most internet polls.It is the area that is first viewed by the visitor as a webpage loads up and in general it is an unavoidable location for a visitor's attention.The large rectangle can hold a number of text ads (as well as images), so a visitor has some choice in regard to which ad takes their fancy.

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